Herkese merhaba!Dun aksam ucagiyla New Orleans'a uctuk Mr.T ile ;) 3 saat rotarli o ayri! 2-3 gun orda kaldiktan sonra Miami ardindan da Key West'e gecicez! New Orleans gercekten cok gormek istedigim bir yerdi keza Miami ve Key West de ( yukaridaki resim Key West'te bir plaj). Ustteki kitaplarin hepsini karistirdim durdum tum hafta boyle de deli bir insanim! Gittigim yeri somurmek ve hatta bitirmek istiyorum ;)
Nerede kalicagimizi bile bilmeyerek yola ciktim. Zira Mr.T bu cok gormek istedigim 2 yeri birlestirip cilginlar gibi ugrasip durdu 3 haftadir!! herseyi buyuk bir gizlilikle tasarladi meraktan cildiriyordum ama hicbirsey sormuyordum ona ;) Ama gorur gormez anladim ki dunyada bir cennet ayarlamis, cok mutluyum, cok keyifliyim. Ben bir hafta ortalarda olmayacagim, kendinize iyi bakin, mutlu kalin! Ayrintilar ve fotograflar gelecek haftaya..
Hi everyone! We flew to New Orleans yesterday night with Mr.T ;) With a 3 hour delay! After staying 2-3 days there we'll move to Miami and Key West! I really wanted to see New Orleans as much as I wanted to see Miami and Key West(the picture above shows a beach in Key West).
I was very excited so I read all the books you see in the picture.If I go to a new place as a tourist I want to make most of it.
I had no idea about where we stay. Thanks to Mr. T who had been secretly working on organizing this trip for 3 weeks. I was dying of curiosity but I couldn't ask. Apparently, he found the heaven on earth. I am so happy right now. I won't be around for a week, take care and be happy! Details and photos next week..