*GADDAR ANNE! Inanilmaz korktugumu ve uzuldugumu sanki dunmus gibi hatirlarim. Tabi saf ve temiz cocuk kalbim buna inanmisti ve ben kirazin yanina yaklasamiyordum bile. Taa ki abimin arkadaslarinin bize video izlemeye geldigi o gune kadar.. Annem, abimin arkadaslarina yaz meyvelerinden hazirliyor, bende onu izliyordum tabi listede kiraz da vardi annem kirazlari tel bir suzgecin icine koyup yikadi, tabaklara bolusturup abim ve arkadaslarina dagitti. Onlar afiyetle kirazlari midelerine indirirken " Ben bir daha asla kiraz yiyemiycem" diye nasil agladigimi, ne kadar uzulup pisman oldugumu size anlatamam. Annem de bu aglamalara dayanamamis olacak ki " Tamam yiyebilirsin ama eger bir daha aseton yalarsan asla ve asla kiraz yiyemeyecek kadar zehirlenirsin tamam mi? dedi. Annecigime soz verdim ve bir daha asla aseton sisesine yaklasmadim. Kucuk pembe bir yalanla vazgecirmisti beni bu tehlikeli aliskanligimdan.
Canim annecigim kivrak zekana hayrandim, hayranim, hep hayran kalicam!
Hi everyone :) Whenever I wore my beloved cerises bag I remember my weird childhood memory. I was I guess around 3 years old and totally a cherry lover *I still am ;) I also loved the taste and smell of my mother's nail polish remover. I always tried to lick or drink and my mom always caught me ( Thank GOD) One day, when I was trying to open the bottle with my teeth, my mother saw me and said " Since you tasted this, you will never, ever be able to eat cherry. If you eat you will get sick and die." I was shocked and very sad at the same time later my brothers' friends came to our hosuse to watch video. My mother prepared them some summer fruits and of course cherry was on the list. I remember everything exactly. They were eating cherries and I was crying like an idiot. After a while I thought my mother could't stand my crying and she said " You can eat but if it happens again you can never ever eat cherry, OK!"
I promised to my mom and never tried again.
The End
Jumpsuit: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Vintage
Belt: Thrifted
Sandals: Cole Haan
Bag: Louis Vuitton Cerises Speedy created by Takashi Murakami