I got these pants in 2007. This is my second time wearing it and I realized today it is Ralph Lauren Golf Womenswear. Who wears something like that to golf? I mean it's comfortable but come on!! Maybe it is just the name. Anyway today was hot and after spending 1 hour outside, we returned home and spent the rest of the day watching old episodes of Project Runway (again). I can't wait for the new season which will be on air on July 28th. Happy Sunday to all..Bu pantolonu 2007 yilinda almistim. Bugun 2. kez giydigimde etiketinde Ralph Lauren golf yazdigini farkettim. Kim golf oynamaya boyle bir pantolonla gider ki? Ya da belki sadece ismi oyledir bilemiyorum!?!? Her neyse, bugun disari ciktiktan 1 saat sonra eve geri donmek zorunda kaldik cunku inanilmaz sicakti. Eve donup karpuz, buzlu dereotlu ayran, haslanmis misir (hepsi ayni anda degil tabii) esliginde Project Runway'in eski bolumlerini tekrar izledik. Yeni sezonun baslamasi icin sabirsizlaniyorum, allahtan 28'ine cok az kaldi. Herkese keyifli bir pazar gunu diliyorum..
Pants\Pantolon: Ralph Lauren
Tank top\ Tshirt: Mango
Sunglasses\Gunes gozlugu: Urban Outfitters
Native American necklace\Kizilderili kolyesi: Vintage
Platform\Platform ayakkabi: Jessica Simpson via Macy's